What is ICEA

International Chinese Educators Associates

Our Objectives

  • To support and enhance the educational development of its associates, i.e. Chinese language educators with relevant skills and knowledge training.
  • Promoting and encouraging the continued improvement of Chinese language education to all other interested race, and nationality.
  • To create awareness, and promote the inheritance of Chinese traditions and cultures to those interested Chinese-speaking individuals, as well as to other interested nationality.
  • Provide free Chinese language tuitions to the poor and needy students.
  • Promoting and strengthen the social integration via Chinese cultural activities to the community, and other interested races in our multi-racial society, hence create social harmony.
  • Promoting international exchanges and cooperation programs to other overseas-Chinese education communities.




  • 为事务所成员提供技能和知识的支持和培训。
  • 促进和鼓励对中华文化感兴趣的各种族的人民不断提高汉语水平。
  • 提高汉语水平,传播中华传统文化。
  • 为贫困和有需要的学生提供公益性中文课程。
  • 促进社会融合,创造社会和谐。
  • 促进与各国教育界的国际交流与合作计划。